If Love Was Fair by Savannah Stewart Review

Life wasn’t fair…and I’d learned that on far too many occasions.

Arbor Kenton had one goal, to flee the toxicity of her hometown. She’d thrown a dart at a map and decided wherever it landed she would move without hesitation. 

One night was all she had left before she’d hit the road and never look back. But little did she know just how life altering that night would be. 

I know I can’t ask you to stay, and you wouldn’t ask me to leave.

Colin Banks was an aspiring musician traveling from town to town looking for his big break.

One night in a new town would end up shaking the once firm foundation of his dreams. What he didn’t foresee is what that night would end up meaning to him.
If love was fair, so much would be different.

“Losing someone is a heartache that flairs up whenever it wants. You can’t stop it, you can’t pretend it isn’t there; you have to allow it to run its course or drown out the pain with medication."

I enjoyed this book from Savannah Stewart. It is a second chance romance.

It is heartwarming and was a quick read.

At one point I was like NOOOO I wanted to shake the ever loving heck out of Arbor. She totally made up for it though ;) The characters are after all flawed in their own ways.

Now the secondary characters were just as enjoyable. I loved Emily. I sure Hope the author will give her her own book! I would love to read and see what happens with her.

I think my favorite part of the book is the old house.. The memories it holds. It made me sad to read what became of it. I could picture the place in my mind.

The only thing I wanted more from is to really get that connection the two characters had. I mean I got it but not in the way I wanted to. I would have liked it to be more of a I can't live without this person connection. But that's just me. That could be from the past that is skipped at first and we are dragged into later on.

All together this is a really good read. That leaves you wanting more and not wanting the book to end yet. I do hope to revisit these characters in the future.

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