Love Sprung from Hate

A modern Romeo and Juliet retelling. A story full of angst and suspense. If you enjoy dark romances or mafia romances then here you go! I really enjoyed this book back when I read it. And you can get this first book of 3 for only 99¢. You can't beat that! I was lucky to get an arc that is happily sitting on my shelf.

Cold. Ruthless. Killer.

That’s my birthright. The only thing meant for me.

Until her.

Because when she gazed up at me, her honeyed hair spread across the pillow, her soft body naked and open, she made me feel like I could be different. 

She gave me a reason to be different.

So imagine my shock when I’m dragged into an interrogation room, their prime suspect, and she walks in… 

Detective Julianna Capulet.

I am so fucked.

Because I still want her. I want her like an addict craves his drug. I need her like a sinner needs his absolution. 

And I will have her. 

Even if it kills us both.

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