Dragons for your kids!!!

Casey L Bond's daughter has a cover reveal!!  how awesome is this book look! this looks like something my son would love!

Juliet will be signing copies at Roanoke Author Invasion, and will be seated next to her very proud Mama.  Casey Bond

The book is 80 pages and here is what it's about:

When Featherstone dragons come of age, they receive their fire in a special ceremony. The entire community comes to watch. However, when Forrest steps up to get his, nothing happens. That’s when he knows something is wrong.

He learns that he must fulfill an ancient prophecy: travel to the Overworld, find a sacred temple deep in the heart of the jungle, in the heart of Viper territory, and receive the fire of the first Dragon King.

The Featherstones who go with Forrest must be stealthy and careful along their journey and avoid the Vipers, a vicious rival clan whose very breath is poison. The Viper King is determined to claim the fire of the first Dragon King for himself and keep the clans separated so he can rule forever.

With a team of friends and unlikely allies by his side, Forrest will get a crash course in the dangers of the world around him, and learn more about himself and his heart than he ever thought possible.

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