Title: The Hotel Part One
Series: The Hotel: A Billionaire Seduction
Author: Lola Darling
Release Date: July 1, 2015
“The best sex is hotel sex…”
Welcome to the Rexford, the most luxurious hotel in town. My internship is a dream come true – until I walk in to my first meeting and discover my one-night stand at the head of the boardroom.
Controlling billionaire, Dominic Rexford: CEO - and the man I was secretly hired to seduce.
Now, I just want to keep my head down and stay out of trouble, but Dom has different plans.
He wants a repeat of our wild night together – and he’ll do whatever it takes to get me back between those 700-thread count sheets.
I’m in trouble now…
Author Bio
She can be found at her laptop, daydreaming of dirty talking men in well-fitted suits or in the bath enjoying a glass of wine.
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