Distracting Ace by Caroline Bell Foster RELEASE BLITZ with giveaway


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Distracting Ace - Book Cover

Book Title: Distracting Ace (International Heroes BK1) 
Author: Caroline Bell Foster 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: June 29th 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

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book blurb

A kiss. A promise. A mistake.

Hollywood stuntman Ace had life changing decisions to make and time was running out. Bleakly, he saw a future of always being different, that was, until he met British beauty Nina Mae. Her enthusiasm for life was addictive.

Rich, party girl, Nina Mae was in love. But a demand to come home early and a simple mistake, changed the course of both their lives.

Would she ever get back to America? Or were they destined to be two people who met and enjoyed one unbelievable weekend, tied by the repercussions of those hours. Or was she simply his distraction?

“Tell me about your life Nina Mae.” Ace invited.

“I’m a golden child. Very much a daddy’s girl and a mummy’s darling.” She began conversationally, not the least bit embarrassed by her admission. “Spoilt. An only child of only children. There’s just my mum and my dad and little ole me, but I’m not a brat.” She told him. “I’m an Essex girl. Do you know what that is?”


She smiled at him. “You’ll have to visit me in England to find out.” She went on. “Are you going to dance with me?”

He scowled. “No.”

“Why not?” She pressed.

He crossed his arms over his chest and frowned at her again, Nina realised it was his way of telling her to shut the hell up.

“Let’s play a game,” she said instead, determined to get her own way. “If I win we dance and if you win you get to ask whatever you want.”

Ace pulled in a deep breath and let it out in a noisy whoosh. Why was he still here, he thought, but already knowing the answer. She wanted him, had made it damn obvious with all the nervous chatter and hair flicking. She was desperate enough to keep him guessing and he was curious enough, egotistical enough, to want to know how this would play out. “What’s the game?”

“Things that go together,” she explained. “But as pairs.”


“Yeah. For example I have to say something that is always referred to in a pair, like Kings and Queens and bricks and mortar, things like that.”

Ace shook his head, he’d never come across anyone so complex and playful in his life. But he was game. The pub was emptying and if he lost, it would be no hardship to wheel around by the table pretending to dance. Jesus Christ, this is what his life had become, playing fucking party games to get his ego stroked.

“You start,” he ordered. “Wait,” he held up his hand. “How many pairs to win?”

“How about until one of us stops?”


“Left and right. Your turn.

This was going to be so easy he thought. “Brush and comb.”

They played for almost fifteen minutes, Ace was really getting into it, but knew he was going to lose. She was just too good and too fast. He eventually faltered and she clapped her hands, declaring herself the winner, of course. His lips twitched into a smile.

“Come on.” She stood quickly, eagerly heading over to the dance floor, but turned back when she saw that he hadn’t moved.

“Not out there,” he said. “Here.”

“Okay.” Nina agreed.
meet the author

Winner of the prestigious Diva Author of the Year, Caroline Bell Foster was born in Derby, England and with her family went on a six week holiday to Jamaica. She stayed for 18 years!

Ever the adventurer, Caroline bought her first pair of high heels in Toronto and traded her pink sunglasses for a bus ride in the Rift Valley at 18.

The multi-award winning author has come full circle and lives just twelve miles from where she was born in Nottingham England, with her college sweetheart David, their two children and head of the household Naomi the cat.

For Caroline, writing isn’t just about ensuring her readers enjoy a story, it’s about sharing a culture, even if it isn’t her own. With themes of substance, Caroline's latest novels' defy convention and celebrate modern day Britain with several titles set primarily in The East Midlands, where she shares her love for the three main cities and the surrounding ‘shires’ with her readers.

Caroline is also the author of the Amazon Bestselling Call Centre Series, Call Me Royal and Call Me Lucky, where she pays tribute to all those who work the night shift in call centres as she has done.

If you would like to keep up to date with Caroline’s new releases, please sign up to her twice yearly Newsletter.
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