Valorous by Kristina Canady COVER REVEAL

Title: Valorous
Series: Affliction of Falling
Author: Kristina Canady
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Release Date: August 25, 2016
Affliction of Falling Series: Meet five friends as they learn to love without limitations by taking a journey onto the unexpected and rugged path of falling in love. Sometimes, falling in love doesn’t go as planned. Sometimes, falling in love means a twisting torment of sweet, liberating pain beyond the confines of your comfort zone… into something beyond your wildest dreams.
Note from the author: In lieu of a traditional blurb, I thought I would write from the heart. You see, Jade’s story is personal for me—a raw, collective idea that crawled from the depths of pain I vicariously experienced by way of caring for a patient population very dear to my heart. This story has taken me a few years to tell. Many times, the pure emotions evoked from these characters as they evolved became too overwhelming, prompting a need for a break.
I actually started writing this story before Scrupulous, but I battled with wanting to tell it just right. I didn’t want to let down those who can personally relate to the trials and tribulations these characters endure. Cancer doesn’t care. It is a dark, insatiable illness, consuming all that it can in its path. Cancer can make or break not only a person, but also the family and friends championing alongside the warrior battling to heal their body and reclaim their life.
My love and respect for oncology patients and their support systems of amazing people is never ending. My hope is that you connect with this next installment of the Affliction of Falling Series, that I do this story a fraction of the justice that it deserves, and entice you to continue to explore the multifaceted struggles of falling in love during difficult and non-conventional circumstances.
Please enjoy this tale of love, loss and the joys of rediscovering one's own strength and ability love again.
Raised California, Kristina moved to Colorado to pursue her education and fell in love with the area. After pushing through college class by class with a few scenic breaks in between, she finally graduated with the support of her family and friends. After establishing her career in nursing, she felt something was missing. Her artistic side was calling so she started to pick up her writing and painting again. After a while, she found that her short story had grown into her first novel. Writing is a passion of hers and she feels the greatest achievement in her art is creating works that bring enjoyment to others. She continues to reside in Colorado and is working on the next installment of an Affliction of Falling Novels.


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