Mastering Her Fear by BJ Wane Release Blitz

Title: Mastering Her Fear
Series: Miami Masters #3
Author: BJ Wane
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: January 12, 2018


Julie Martin pulled on Jackson Davenport’s protective urges the minute he stepped outside and saw his five-year-old neighbor go flying off her swing to land in a heap of gangly arms and legs then come up smiling. When he discovered how her parents pressed her into competing in beauty pageants for their own selfish gratification, he took it upon himself to provide her with the friendship the little girl craved. Years later, just when his adult feelings – and body – began to desire more from the beautiful young woman she’d grown up to be, Julie moved away to take the modeling world by storm. Jackson’s first encounter with the changes in her broke his heart and he severed all ties with her.

Six years after Julie lost the most important person in her life, she returns to Jackson a broken woman, unable to cope with the nightmare that changed her life forever. When Jackson discovers her penchant for cutting herself to deal with the fear, he shows her a new side of him she’s never seen before, and a new way to get through the darkness that continues to plague her.

Even though Julie embraces Jackson’s dominant sexuality and the way his painful administrations work much better at calming her fears, the truth of what happened the night her two friends were murdered stands between them. Will she be able to set aside her guilt to tell him the entire truth, or will she once again lose the only person who can complete her?


#1 (PG) 

The sudden glare of flashbulbs nearly blinded Jackson as they stepped outside, but it was the immediate change in Julie’s demeanor that snared his attention. Gone was the vain, brittle woman he’d just spent an uncomfortable dinner with and in her place preened a gushing, simpering celebrity putting on airs for the tabloids. Bitterness that rivaled what he’d felt when Federal agents invaded his home and arrested his parents for drug dealing and complicity in a child’s death rolled through him. It wasn’t fair to have his illusions ripped out from under him twice in a lifetime. 
Needing to get away, Jackson stepped away from her and hailed the next cab then gave her a quick hug as soon as the reporters left. “Good seeing you again, Julie.” He kissed her forehead and turned, ignoring her as she called after him in a puzzled voice.
But as he reached for the handle of the taxi, Jackson held up a finger, bidding him to wait. Spinning back around, he caught a glimpse of confused insecurity on Julie’s face before she masked it behind the façade he’d been staring at all night as he strode over to her. Yanking her against him, he held her head immobile by cupping her nape. Swooping down, he kissed her, fast and hard, refusing to give in to the temptation to linger, to savor, to take more. Her low moan of instant surrender threatened his resolve to walk away, but he forced himself to remember the past hour, the worst he’d spent in her company. Pulling back with a sigh of regret and heavy ache for all he had lost, he drank in her face one last time. “Have a good life, Julie.” Ignoring her astonishment and the arousal in those amethyst eyes, he hopped in the cab and didn’t glance back.

#2 (PG) 

Rounding the corner, Julie saw a small red barn across the sweeping lawn and started that way until her pulse leaped from the low but recognizable voice coming from behind the kennels. Drawing a deep breath to steady her nerves, she walked to the back then stopped short, her heart stuttering at seeing Jackson again for the first time in six years. The old cliché about how a woman could get turned on from eyeing a hot man wearing a tool belt or Stetson pulled low over a rugged face never mentioned the instant, cream-your-jeans effect of seeing a tall, muscular man crooning to a small puppy held with care in his large hand. The sun picked up hints of red in his dark, mahogany hair curling around his nape, one sweat-dampened lock falling across his forehead. Not since the night he’d left her with her lips throbbing and her girly parts tingling from his first and only kiss had she been so affected by a man. 
Then Jackson raised his head and pinned her in place with those dark blue eyes. The urge to run and throw herself at him threatened Julie’s composure, forcing her to fist her hands until her nails gouged her palms. The sharp pain kept her grounded in place. She could no longer expect him to catch her and hold her tight.
“Hello, Jackson.”

#3 (R)

Jackson couldn’t decipher what Julie’s grimace meant or why the mention of orgasms would make her muscles tighten, but he could pull the cause out of her later. Today was for demonstrating. Sliding his hands around to her buttocks, he kneaded the soft flesh, keeping a close eye for her response. “I enjoyed spanking you the other day. You did, too, which means you’ll like this.” He released her ass to pick up a multi-strand flogger and trailed the narrow leather strips over her breasts.
“Is that what I think it is?” she questioned with a catch in her voice.
“I don’t read minds, Julie.”
“And I might be green about your sexual preferences, but I know what a flogger is,” she returned, her voice going breathless as he tickled her waist then glided the leather strips up the inside of one leg. “But I’ve never felt one.”
“This one has twelve strands, long and thin to cover a larger area. Spread your feet wider and leave them there.” She complied without hesitation, another positive sign. Jackson moved to stand at her side, teased the globes of her ass with another slow trail of the braided leather then pulled back to deliver a light snap over both cheeks, just hard enough to leave faint pink stripes behind. “You good?”
“Yes, yes, I’m fine.” The rows of tiny stings that stroke elicited drew her nipples into tighter beads and added to the building dampness in her pussy. Julie bit her lip again, waiting in anticipation for the next strike. It came fast, this one a little sharper, landing below the first, the extra punch seeping deep inside her and pulling a response she never dreamed possible. “Jackson.”

#4 (R)

Her breathing turned labored as he inched his hand inside her loosened jeans and cupped one soft buttock. “Give me your answer.”
Julie was powerless to ignore that commanding tone with its hard edge, especially when she responded with a warm gush between her legs. “Fine. Okay.” Her comforting grace as Jackson shoved her jeans down and exposed her butt was knowing the only people still around who might hear or step around the corner and see them were his friends who indulged in the same proclivities. The warm breeze wafting over her bared flesh drew a delicate shiver of awareness and anticipation as she held her breath and listened to the slide of his belt being removed. 
Keeping his left hand wrapped around her wrist where she still held both hands against the house, he shifted to her side and snapped the leather across both cheeks, the fiery burn a startling but welcome sting that stole her breath. Julie knew she’d become addicted to pain to get through the nightmares, but never imagined she would embrace it in the bright light of day with a clear head. She winced with the next cut, this one a little harder, the snap of leather against bare skin a touch louder. With the third stroke, she quit worrying whether someone might hear and lowered her head between her outstretched arms. 


#1 Bound and Saved – $2.99 for a limited time

#2 Master Me, Please 


I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs. I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being homebody. I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking. My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic spanking romance with a touch of suspense. My favorite genre to read is suspense.


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