The Halves of Us

The Halves of Us
(The Halves of Us Trilogy)

Book One
Publisher: Parliament House Press
Cover Reveal Media Kit

Twin Sisters: one destined to rule, one cursed to destroy.
Some say blood is thicker than water. But for twin sisters,
Adie and Aura, their connection runs even deeper than
After investigating a surprise attack carried out by dark souls, Aura uncovers a family secret: she is the fulfillment of a curse placed upon her family centuries ago. While Aura is destined to destroy their planet, Thindoral, Adie is fated to follow in their mother’s footsteps and become Ruler, but even Adie’s path comes with revelations. Dangerous premonitions plague her dreams, all depicting Thindoral’s demise at the hand of her sister.

As darkness takes control of her mind, Aura must determine whether defying fate and time is the choice that will seal her destruction, or if self-sacrifice will save all she holds dear. Meanwhile, Adie is faced with an impossible decision: save her sister, or protect their world?

Find Out About Other Books by Sydney Paige Richardson at

About the Author

Even before Sydney could hold a pencil in her hand, she was making up stories in her head. Sydney wrote her first book in the second grade, Girls [sorry Lena Dunham], about her and her best friends in college [because college was super cool when you were ] who went on treasure hunts and fought bad guys with their super powers. Her second grade teacher was so impressed, she laminated a cover and bound it. That will forever be the moment Sydney dreamed of holding a copy of her own book and placing it on a shelf.

Now all grown up, Sydney still stays in the fantasy world, fashioning worlds where the power of a star can be harnessed and used for time travel, flying is just as easy as walking here on earth – and her best friends are fairies. Sydney represented by Rebecca Angus at Golden Wheat Literary. The 
Halves of Us, Book 1 is her first novel. Sydney resides in Austin, Texas with her nerdy husband, Cody, and three fat cats, Vincent Van Gogh, Mufasa, and Bella.

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