Guilty Condolence by Kimberly N Dean review

Sarie Elizabeth Anna
Sarie Anna has it all. Despite being raised by over-protective brothers, Sarie moves to Nashville and becomes the lead singer for the number one country rock band Carolina Fierce. But Sarie gives it all up to move back home to Norfolk Virginia to support the love of her life, Jasen Riggins.

Jasen Scott Riggins
Jasen Riggins’ life is not as it seems. Co-Owner of Anserve Inc., Jasen and the men of Anserve are civilian contractors to the United States Government. They handle any mission that the Government doesn’t want to acknowledge. Totally expendable, Black Ops.

When a mission goes south, will Jasen and Sarie be able to overcome the tragedy? Or will Jasen be lost forever in the downward spiral of a Guilty Condolence?

From romance - suspense - emotional - romance... there is just so much to this book! 
I really enjoyed it.

I absolutely loved the relationship between Sari and her brothers. It was just so heartwarming reading.  oh Jasen.. He is of military background and I really loved that. He has overcome a lot but still has more to go. He gets sent to be his friends little sisters body guard. Sarie needed his just as much as he needed her. They have to overcome obstacles that could potentially ruin them. And at the halfway point the story really gets heated and I couldn't put it down! I had to know what was gonna happen with these two.  By the end I really felt a connection with the characters. 

From the whole family to the friends, I enjoyed all the characters in this book. Since this is first I can't wait to see who we are going to be revisiting later on.

There were some minor issues, mostly just words running together. For me that didn't take away from my reading enjoyment it is still a great debut! I look forward to watching this author grow and seeing what else she gives us.
PLEASE pretty please give us the twins! I so hope that is the next story, but there are so many awesome characters that could be next... The author could really surprise us.

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