Balance by Lucia Franco review

Adrianna Rossi is no stranger to the rigorous demands required of her body. Years of pain and determination make her one of the best. Olympic glory is the ultimate goal, and she'll do anything to achieve it. Even if that means leaving home to attend World Cup Academy of Gymnastics, a training center that serves one purpose—producing champions. 

Perfection, precision, and dedication are required of his athletes. When two time Olympian Konstantin Kournakova is persuaded into training the young hopeful, he immediately regrets it. She doesn't come close to his high standards. As the relentless pursuit of her dream keeps her striving, a passion is ignited within him.

Kova's power and domination, coupled with Adrianna's fierce tenacity, reveal there is more for her body to learn. Every interaction can be misconstrued, but there’s no mistaking the darkening of his gaze, the lingering of his touch, or the illicit image of his bare skin pressed against hers. Integrity is on the line. One toe off the beam and their forbidden desires could ruin everything they’ve worked for, throwing it all off balance. 

WARNING: This novel contains explicit content.

This is such a forbidden and taboo story. I loved it. and at the same time have mixed feelings about it. I enjoy reading outside the box and this was just that. I will say being a parent of a little girl there is a nagging in the back of my head this book is so wrong so unbelievably wrong. But remember it is fiction. This is not reality and this did not happen. 

The story Lucia Franco wrote, well right and wrong collide. The characters are balancing a dangerous act and there is a chance they could fall at any moment. I was so intrigued with this story and could not put it down. If I am being honest here at parts I was like omg!, other has me wondering wtf I was reading and why I was enjoying it. That is why I have such mixed feelings. Its a why am I reading this but a omg I can't put it down feeling.

This author took the chance and really put herself out there with a book like this. You can tell they did research or are very knowledgeable in gymnastics and I loved reading a kind of what these athletes do to be the best.

All together this is a really good book. I enjoyed reading this taboo story and look forward to reading the next book cause I have to see what else this author is gonna hit us with.

"Fear was a bitch, and in this sport, it could cripple you.
Fear challenged courage. It challenged the mind. Once we found courage, it meant never looking back. It persevered and defined. It gave strength to conquer the obstacles that rendered one weak."

*there are major sensitive topics in this book. It is not for everyone*

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