Current read. a little taboo and so fucking good

So I started this book. I read about it a while ago. The reason would be it is banned on Amazon. I really am not sure if I got this book before or after that happened. But knowing it is/was banned makes me want to read it all the more.. 

Well... I AM IN LOVE!!! so I am only at like like 40% and holy freaking hell an I enjoying this book. I can seriously see me staying up as long as it takes to finish it tonight. It is that good. It is such a taboo and quite frankly maybe a little controversial. I sure do love me a good taboo story line. And this one is hitting on all the things I love. It is a really good story that interests me, its freaking hot I mean considering the ages and all that the chemistry is awesome, I really like these characters. I really have nothing bad to say about this book so far. I cannot wait to get the kiddos to bed so I can finish it. Okay so the book I am talking about here is Balance by Lucia Franco.

"Freaking Coach Kova. Confusing. Contradicting. Exhausting. And maybe a little sinful." 

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